Home > Communication Circuits > Inductive feedback oscillator circuit

Inductive feedback oscillator circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:笑流年 Keywords: Oscillator circuit BSP transistor Updated: 2021/04/08

28.<strong>Inductor</strong>Feedback<strong>Oscillator circuit</strong>.gif

The inductive feedback oscillator circuit is as shown in the figure, and the transistor is 3DG3.
    The reference values ​​of component parameters are as follows:
    1) The transistor is 3DG6.
    2) Resistor: Rhl =91kfl, RbZ=llkfl, Re =IkSl.
    3) Capacitor: C=C=C=0.OlyF.
    4) The values ​​of C, LJ and L2 are determined by the oscillation frequency of the oscillator.
    As can be seen from the AC equivalent circuit, the capacitor C and the inductor L. , Lz form a
selective loop, and the emitter of the transistor is grounded. Output voltage Uo - UI], feedback voltage
Uf -UL2, the phase difference between feedback voltage Uf and output voltage U<. is 180. , satisfying the positive
feedback condition. The three electrodes of
    the transistor are connected to the three nodes of the inductor respectively. This circuit is called a three-point oscillator circuit ; and because the feedback voltage is taken from
the voltage at both ends of the inductor, this circuit is also called an inductive feedback three-point oscillator.




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