Capacitive feedback oscillator circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:失踪的猫 Keywords: Oscillator circuit BSP transistor Updated: 2020/10/15
The actual circuit of the capacitive feedback oscillator is shown in the figure, the transistor is 3DG3.
The reference values of component parameters are as follows:
1) The transistor is 3DG6.
2) Resistor: RM=9ikn.Rb2 =llkfl,Re =lkfl.
3) Capacitor; Cb=C=C=O.OlyF.
4) The values of L, Ct, and Cz are determined by the oscillation frequency of the oscillator.
Inductor L and capacitor C, C2 form a selective loop, and the emitter stage of the transistor
is grounded. The output voltage U, -Ua, the feedback voltage Uf -U,
the phase difference between the feedback voltage Uf and the output voltage U() is 1806. Satisfy the positive feedback condition.
Because the three electrodes of the transistor are connected to the three nodes of the capacitor, the circuit is called a three-point oscillator circuit {and because the feedback voltage is taken from
the voltage across the capacitor, the circuit is also called a capacitor j-point oscillator.
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