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Rural fish farming control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:sigma Keywords: control circuit BSP routing transistor Updated: 2021/04/25

16. Rural fish farming<strong>Control circuit</strong>.gif

When artificially hatching or breeding tropical fish and ornamental fish, it is necessary to equip the fish pond with an oxygen pump and a circulating water pump. Long-term continuous operation of the oxygen pump and circulating water pump
not only consumes electricity, but also easily damages parts. The oxygen controller for fish farming introduced in this example can control the oxygen pump and circulating water pump
to work intermittently, and intermittently add oxygen and water to the fish pond, which has the effect of saving energy and extending the service life of the equipment.
    (1) Circuit composition The aeration controller circuit consists of a power circuit and a control circuit, as shown in the figure.
    The power circuit is composed of power switch S, power transformer T, rectifier diodes VD1 ~ VD4 and filter capacitor Cl.
    The control circuit is composed of transistors VT1, VT2, relays Kl, K2, resistors Ri - R4, capacitors C2, G and diodes VD5, VD6
    (2) Circuit principle After the power switch S is turned on, the AC 220V voltage is stepped down by T, rectified by VD1-VD4 and filtered by Cl, and then
a 24V DC voltage is generated and supplied to the control circuit . At this time, the AC 220V voltage supplies power to the circulating water pump through the normally closed contact of K2-2, allowing it to operate.
    +24V voltage via R. And the normally closed contact Kl-l of K1 charges C2. When the voltage on G reaches a certain value, the transistor and rri are turned
on, the relay Kl is closed, and its normally open contact K1-2 is turned on. The +24V voltage charges C3 through R3 and Kl-2 contacts {At the same time, the normally closed contact
Kl-l is disconnected, C2 stops charging, the voltage on C2 discharges VT1 through R2, and VT1 remains conductive. Kl still maintains a happy state.
    When the voltage on C3 reaches a certain value. vr2 is on. K2 pulls in, K2-1 normally closed contact is disconnected, cutting off the discharge circuit of the island, and VT1
is cut off. Kl is released and C2 fork starts charging. At the same time, the normally open contact of K2-2 is connected, the oxygen pump is powered on, and the circulating water pump stops working. When
0 is charged to a certain value, VT1 turns on again, Kl pulls in, C3 charges, then VT2 turns on, K2 pulls in, the circulating water pump is powered on again,
and the oxygen pump stops working. In this way, the intermittent circulation of the oxygen pump and the circulating water pump is realized.
    By adjusting the resistance of R and ink or changing the capacity of C2 and C3, the interval between intermittent operation of the oxygen pump and the circulating water pump can be adjusted.




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