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Self-defense anti-riot circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:刘德华河北分华 Keywords: BSP transformer Updated: 2020/12/29

12. Self-defense and anti-riot<strong>circuit</strong>.gif

A self-defense and anti-riot circuit is a circuit that uses DC high-voltage electricity to injure or kill bad guys. If there is an invasion by foreign enemies, robbers,
burglars, or murders, and the high-voltage points M and N are touched, they will be injured or killed by electric shock immediately, which plays a role in self-defense and prevention.
    The circuit is shown in Figure 24-12. The transistor VT and the primary windings Wl and W2 of the transformer T form an inductive three-point oscillator, which converts the DC power of the battery into alternating current. It is boosted by the transformer T, high-voltage rectifier by the diode VD, and capacitor C filtering is used to obtain DC high voltage at both ends of M and N. In the circuit , the transistor uses D880; the transformer uses a ferrite core. The primary winding W2 is wound with 45 turns of +0.35mm enameled wire , W2 is wound with 55 turns of +0.35mm enameled wire, and the secondary winding W2 is wound with 1500 turns of +0.07mm high-strength enameled wire . Turn, VD is replaced with high-voltage silicon particles or TV silicon pillars, and C is replaced with 2000pF, 10kV high-voltage capacitor. Use three AA batteries





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