Home > Communication Circuits > Product type phase frequency discriminator circuit diagram composed of MC1496 (quadrature frequency discriminator) (4.5MHz)

Product type phase frequency discriminator circuit diagram composed of MC1496 (quadrature frequency discriminator) (4.5MHz)

Source: InternetPublisher:newlandmark Keywords: Circuit diagram MC1496 Updated: 2020/06/16

47. Product type <strong>Phase</strong> frequency discriminator <strong>Circuit diagram</strong> composed of <strong>MC1496</strong> (quadrature frequency discrimination) (4.5MHz).gif

The product phase frequency discriminator circuit composed of MC1496
is shown in the figure.     In the figure, the t FM signal is input from the input terminal IN through the cable, and is shaped by the double limiter composed of Dl and D2 to remove the parasitic amplitude modulation. Among them,
one signal is input from the input terminals ⑧ and ⑩ of the 1496, and the other signal is input through C,, , Cla, Li, R. The LC series-parallel phase-shifting network formed becomes
a phase-modulated frequency-modulated wave, which is input from the input terminals ① and ④ of the 1496.
  The two signals are multiplied and the original modulated signal is output.




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