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RF2919 ASK/OOK 915/868/433 MHz Receiver

Source: InternetPublisher:睡不醒的小壮 Keywords: Receiver Updated: 2024/09/20

RF2919 is a receiver chip that can form a complete ASK/OOK receiver with only a reference crystal oscillator, an intermediate frequency filter and several passive components. It can operate in the European ISM band of 433/868 MHz and the North American ISM band of 915 MHz. 

The main technical features of RF2919 are as follows: 

・Operating frequency is 300~1000 MHz; 

・ASK/00K demodulation method; 

・Receiver sensitivity is -100~-104 dBm; 

・RF output amplitude is 10 dBm; 

・VSWR output is 50:1; 

・Power supply voltage is 2.7 to 5.5 V; 

・Current consumption: 8-12 mA in receive mode, 1 μA in low power mode; 

・Working environment temperature is -40~85℃;

RF2919 ASK/OOK 915/868/433 MHz ReceiverRF2919 433 MHz Application Circuit

RF2919 ASK/OOK 915/868/433 MHz Receiver 

RF2919 868 MHz Application Circuit

RF2919 ASK/OOK 915/868/433 MHz Receiver 

RF2919 915 MHz Application Circuit

RF2919 ASK/OOK 915/868/433 MHz Receiver 

RF2919 Evaluation Board Circuit Diagram




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