I bought a development board a few days ago, from Intertek Electronics, which contains a video tutorial for ARM7. It's so big, I don't know how to upload it! Please help me if you can! Thank you! It's
[i=s]This post was last edited by yedaochang on 2014-7-24 21:11[/i] [b]Step 1: Sample Application[/b][b][url=http://www.ti.com.cn/ww/TIDesigns/2014_03.html#Design04][color=#800080]With body compositio
Two current-type control methods of inverter Abstract: Two dual-loop instantaneous feedback control modes of the inverter - current-source quasi-PWM control mode and three-state DPM current hysteresis
Does ucos have to use the Borland C++ compiler mentioned in the book? Can vc++ be used? Do I also need to configure environment variables? I'm so confused