Why is it said that parallel circuits have a shunting effect? What I don't understand is: after adding a new resistor in parallel to the original load resistor, the current of the original load resist
I personally think this paragraph about CRC calculation method is easier to understand. I copied it from the book Computer Networks Fifth Edition P68-P80 for future reference. [img]http://blog.21ic.co
I am debugging ov9653 and I have encountered some problems. I cannot set the registers of ov9653 using IIC. I have used IIC to drive other chips and they are good. But when writing to ov9653, ov9653 n
Thermistor K value in lithium battery management circuit. If you use a different thermistor, you can choose to calculate and change the temperature coefficient using the attached excel document.
There is always a resource you can use. No more nonsense, here are the resources! [font=微软雅黑][size=4][url=https://download.eeworld.com.cn/source/581764]AD skills: 3D Model lib.rar[/url] [url=https://d
After reading a lot of introductions, I found that beaglebone black has a global version and a Chinese version. The Chinese version is produced by Inbet, and the hardware is not completely the same as