51 single-chip microcomputer, written in C language, the function is to design a six-bit clock. Hours: minutes: seconds. Based on AT89c2051, the proteus simulation diagram is ready. Please write accor
I bought an advanced simulator, IAR6.2 is recommended, but the following problem always occurs when I compile the program under IAR6.2However, there is no problem when I compile it under the original
Use cvavr 2.05 to learn xmega, super fast to get started. The codewizard in it is very easy to use, you can quickly get started to learn to set up various xmega peripherals.
Paid help: I recently participated in an embedded system development project. The DSP used in the system is Philips' TM1300, and the operating system is the pSOS embedded system. My main job is to dev
module DSP_RST(input clk_25m, input RESETSTAT, //DSP reset status 0 means reset status 1 means working statusinput LOCKED, //Is the clock module normal?
output ref LRESETNMIENz = 1'b0,//局部复位管脚