The book on power supply design describes it this way. I have many questions about the inductor current ripple rate.From this formula in the book, we know that r is related to the volt-second product,
After unboxing, verify the BOX function through the APP and take a photo with the sensor in use.
Unboxing and charging
APP installed successfully
Signal StrengthChargingThe device
I'm urgently looking for a digital voltmeter based on a single-chip microcomputer. It should be able to switch ranges and have an over-range alarm circuit. I'll reward you handsomely if you can help m
Can the following code enable PWM? I tried but it doesn't work void initPWM() { INTCON = 0x00; //Disable general interrupt and external interrupt TRISA=0xFF; //ADD BY CHEN PR2 = 0xff; //Write to PR2 r
Learn about the development history of smart home in one minute (video) : daily life, we often hear the term " smart home ". Not only that, more and more