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LC filter and LC-π filter circuitb

Source: InternetPublisher:消失的歌 Keywords: Filter circuit LC filter BSP LC filter Updated: 2020/06/10

16.<strong>LC filter</strong> and LC-π type<strong>filter circuit</strong>b.gif

Through the analysis of capacitor filter or inductor filter, the DC output still fluctuates more or less. In situations with higher requirements, in order to obtain smoother
DC, a complex filter can be used. .
    (1) LC filter We know that the t capacitor filter is suitable for situations where the load is large, while the inductor filter is suitable for situations where the load is small.
If these two circuits are combined, they will form a circuit as shown in Figure a. filter, which can be applied to general loads.
    In LC filter. The pulsating voltage will go through double filtering, so that most of the AC component is blocked by the inductor L. Even if a small part
passes through L, the AC will be bypassed by the filtering effect of the capacitor C. Therefore, the AC component on the load is very small. , thus achieving
the purpose of filtering out communication.
    (2) The LC-type filter circuit is shown in Figure b. IJC-type filter is a combination of C-type filter and LC filter
. The filtering process is that after the alternating current is rectified, it is first filtered by the C-type filter, and then filtered by the LC filter . Therefore, the performance of type-type filters
is superior to that of LC and C-type filters, and the voltage obtained on Rr. will be smoother.
    Since there is a capacitor connected in front of the LC-7C filter, the external characteristics of this filter are similar to those of the capacitor filter.




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