[table][tr][td=1,1,568][align=left][size=9pt] [/size] [size=9pt]With the development of 3G technology, the processor is required to have higher speed and smaller size. The development of DSP can just
The Bluetooth 5.1 standard has been released, adding new features such as signal source angle. Nordic, Dialog, etc. have also recently released their latest Bluetooth ICs. Interested students can take
The automotive electronics market is the third largest application area for PCBs after computers and communications. As automobiles have gradually evolved from traditional mechanical products to high-
This is the translation of TI's official document "KeyStone Architecture Universal Parallel Port (uPP)" SPRUHG9 about the universal parallel port uPP (except the register part). You can read the regis
The module with the highest performance in the industry, with a sensitivity of up to -126dBm and an anti-interference of 60dBm, is being tested. The module uses the latest si446x chip from SILICON LAB
Recently, due to the needs of the project, Fujitsu FRAM was used, but the old problem still exists - FRAM is connected to CPLD. Every time the logic is downloaded to CPLD for the first time, the FRAM