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The output link of the trigger circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:清宁时光 Keywords: Trigger circuit BSP thyristor Updated: 2020/09/02

27.<strong>Output link of trigger circuit</strong>.gif

The output link of the trigger circuit is generally composed of a pulse transformer and some other components, as shown in Figure 16-27.
    ① When designing the pulse transformer TM, not only the amplitude and width of the output pulse should be considered, but also the internal
characteristics of the transformer should be considered. The peak value of the secondary output voltage cannot exceed 10V, and is generally within 8V.
    ②The function of resistor Ri, capacitor Cl and diode VDi is to protect the transistor VT from being damaged by high voltage. C1Ri
does not need to be used.
  ③The function of resistor R2 is to adjust and limit the output trigger current, and its value is approximately between 50fl-lkfl.
  ④The function of diodes VD2 and VDs is to short-circuit negative pulses to ensure that only positive pulses are input to the thyristor control electrode.
  ⑤The main function of resistor R3 is to improve the thyristor's ability to withstand dU/dt, and its value is approximately between 50 and 10oOfl
  ⑥The function of capacitor C2 is to bypass high-frequency interference signals, prevent false triggering, and improve the dU/dt capability of the thyristor
. Its value is approximately between 0. Ol and 0.lplF.




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