The BSP of YLS3C2440A only provides two backlight levels, bright and dark. . . I now want to divide it into several levels, such as D0, D1, D2, D3, D4. . . D4 is the brightest, D0 is the least bright,
Please ask the experts:
AD16.0 multi-channel design, the V1 version of the PCB was designed using Copy Room Formats, which worked very well. However, after a while, when the circuit was debugged and t
After I made my L298N module, I connected two motors and found that the speeds were different. After testing, the no-load output voltage of the two motors was the same, both around 4.8V (the last time
When I went to the electronics market to buy components a few days ago, I unexpectedly came across a product similar to my idea (delay switch). I took a photo by the way[[i] This post was last edited