Yesterday I used the LED display in MULTISIM10 and found that some devices in MULTISIM10, such as LED, have two types, one is input pin type, and the other is bidirectional pin type. I used the ADC to
The COVID-19 pandemic over the past year has caused more people to work from home, which has accelerated the adoption of Wi-Fi 6.Consumers are also adopting this higher-speed standard to upgrade their
LPC1343+JLINKV7V8 can't be debugged? Please help!
First of all, my JLINK cannot be set to 100K speed.
Then I can't download the program.Hope experts can give some advice.
The problem has been solved!!
I would like to ask you a question. Can the impedance of a section of RF trace on a PCB be measured using a network analyzer? For example, look at S11 or S21? I hope you can give me some advice, thank