Just calculated the same number both ways, but in numpy, it gives an error[[ 0.910221324013388510820732335560023784637451171875]][[-0.9102213240133882887761274105287156999111175537109375]]This number
[High Precision Laboratory] Sensor Technology: Temperature Sensor : https://training.eeworld.com.cn/course/5480TI Precision Labs (TIPL) is the most comprehensive online classroom for analog signal cha
sprintf(DisTempData,"%d",temp); //Print variable LCD_Write_String(1,1,DisTempData); //Display to LCD screen temp is a char type variable DisTempData[] is a char array... But the problem is that 20 is
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[align=left] [/align][align=left][b]Solder mask[/b][/align][align=left]The solder mask refers to the part of the board that needs to be coated with green paint. Because it is a negative film output, t