Yesterday it was simulating fine, then after I changed the program, the compiler prompted that RL78 Family Compiler has stopped working. The name of the problem event is: APPCRASH. What's the problem?
I found this forum in the PDF file of IC. . I am a newbie. Some time ago, I got a piece of junk Lenovo 945 motherboard + Celeron 430. I wanted to change the external frequency to 266, but I couldn't.
[table=98%,rgb(239, 245, 249)] [tr][td]The output current of the photodiode array is 150mA. How can it be amplified to about 5V? Can you give me a circuit diagram? Thank you [/td][/tr] [/table]
The MSP430FR2676 CapTIvate Touch MCU Board (CAPTIVATE-FR2676) is used to evaluate capacitive touch and proximity sensors using plug-in sensor boards (sold separately).The MCU board features a 20-pin f
[i=s]This post was last edited by yin_wu_qing on 2022-2-20 22:43[/i]The temperature is cold, the epidemic is recurring, and I have been trying to develop the board for some time. Today, on the weekend
I've been doing some development for wince recently. After reading the help of wince, I'm still unclear about the configuration of config.bib. I'd like to ask for your advice. PROFILE=OFF ENDIF IF IMG