The VHDL source code for converting binary to BCD and BCD to binary uses the plus 3 shift and minus 3 shift algorithms. The input bit width must be an integer multiple of 4. This module is very simple
Recently, the fast charging technology of mobile phone lithium batteries is in full swing. Several popular technologies must be learned and caught up. Most people will feel restless when the battery i
sequence:Zhaojun_xf has already mentioned “Read and write SD card under LPC1114 FAT”, see the post: makes those of us with LPC1343 jealous, hehe!I
[size=5][color=#ff0000][b]Important information first: [/b][/color][/size][size=5]Shenzhen netizens’ welfare, EEWORLD dinner is waiting for you! [/size][size=5]Time: 19:00, July 10, 2018 (=Tuesday thi
Haha, it's me again. Of course, I may not have posted it in the right place. [url][/url] The third step on the second floor did not work. Has anyone used this thing?