I used the free board provided by Imped to make a robot a while ago, but I burned a few PWM pins (sweat). This time I want to use the remaining motors and SCA60c angle sensor to make a two-wheel self-
The board is made by Tianqian and is based on am335x. For detailed information, please refer to: [url]http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.[/url] Price negotiation Q:
[size=3]The speed of DSP is relatively fast. In order to ensure the running speed of DSP, the external memory needs to have a certain speed, otherwise the DSP needs to add a waiting cycle when accessi
The MCU communicates with the computer successfully through the serial port debugging assistant. The zigbee module communicates with the computer successfully through the serial port debugging assista
LCD model: 12864 LCD controller: ST7920 LCD interface assignment: RSP141 RWP00 OEP01 RSTP130 D0~D7P1 [color=Red]Note: P14 and P16 are connected together on the board. SB3 needs to be cut when making t
Circuit Function and BenefitsThis circuit uses the AD5292, a digiPOT+ series digital potentiometer, and the OP184 operational amplifier to provide a low cost, high voltage, variable gain inverting amp