Checking the manual of HuaDa MCU, the GPIO pins should be in the mode of "input, output registers are uncertain" after power-on or hardware reset.The following two registers in the manual clearly stat
[Qinheng RISC-V core CH582] BLE lighting used E4A to make a small program for lighting a light, but that small program was a one-way cont
[size=4][b]1. Basic principles of electromagnetic wave generation[/b] [b] According to Maxwell's electromagnetic field theory, a changing electric field will produce a changing magnetic field in the s
GSM/WCDMA/TDSCDMA/LTE/5G NR frame structure,LTE:36_211_TDD_DL_FrameStructure.png5G: NR_Numerology_FrameStructure_u_0__NormalCP_38_211_01.png
The meaning and physical relationship of access channels, b
[font=微软雅黑][size=5] I modified the OLED and DHT11 routines of other pyb masters, which is really helpful for beginners like me who don’t have a deep foundation in MicroPython. The code is as follows: