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Bathroom automatic light circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:MartinFowler Keywords: Automatic lights BSP Updated: 2021/05/29

237. Bathroom<strong>Automatic Light</strong><strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

The Wei Niu Wen automatic Qiming lamp introduced in this example can turn on the light when someone enters and turn it off when someone enters. At the same time, the circuit also has a light
switch function. The door circuit is automatically blocked and the light will not be turned on.
    ]i Niu Wenbai Dongdiao
H Moon Lamp Circuit
See You 28 7. In the digital
integrated circuit Al
(C1) 4011) ,
the NAND gates I and II
constitute the entry and exit
detection circuit, and
the NAND gates I and II
constitute the white lock. Control
the iLi circuit. The flat ones are called
infrared light-emitting tubes LED1 and I. The infrared light emitted by F and D2 irradiates the photosensitive transistors VTP1 and VTP2 respectively
, so the ① and ⑤ pins of Al are both low level . RL is a photoresistor with a low internal resistance of m,
so the ② pin of the NAND gate I is low level, and the output terminal ③ pin remains high, so the ⑩ pin is low level. VT
is cut off, relay K does not operate, and light E does not light up. At night, R1J shows high resistance, putting the ② pin at high level
, and 0' provides a necessary voltage for the circuit to flip.
    If someone enters the I student, first the infrared light that shoots into the person wl Pl is blocked. The ① pin of the NAND gate I
jumps to high level. According to the logical relationship of the NAND gate "See. Thirty-one, take 1 as." , the output terminal ③ pin output
low power_A. One way is capacitor C via VD2. The charge drains away quickly, and the ⑥ pin of the NAND gate II is at a low level; the chip all
the way makes the NAND gate I input pin @ be at a low level. The self-locking control circuit composed of NAND gates III and IV flips, and
the @ pin is high level. VT is turned on, and relay l is connected to the K suction table. Its moving contact kl is just closed, and the electric lamp E lights up
and then. i.The optical path between EDp and VTP2 is blocked, so pin ⑥ is low level at this time, so the state of pin ④
remains small. After almost completely entering the satellite, VTP1 and VTP2 both resumed infrared illumination, and pin ③ also returned to high
level, vr)2 cut jt. C1, charge through R, so that the ⑥ pin returns to high power - F. But at this time, the state of the self-locking control circuit
changes slightly. When someone walks out of the guard, the light path between IF, DZ and VTP2 is blocked first, so pin ⑤ jumps
to high level, and pin ④ turns to low level . This low-voltage half line causes the white lock control circuit to flip, vr is cut off, the
relay is released, and the light F goes out. The other line makes C through VD1. The charge is discharged rapidly... The process on surface F
is similar to the above, so that the light turns on when a person enters, and goes out when a person leaves.
    Gate I-Gate IV can use block concave 2 input terminal and non-sichuan digital integrated circuit 0,1)4011. A2 is
a WH0806 power conversion module, which can directly convert 220V AC power into iV DC voltage for
power consumption of the whole machine. I, FJDI, I.ED2 Caizhou PI1303 and other infrared light-emitting diodes, VTP1, VTI, 2 can be used
3DU31 When installing, it is required that LF, Dl, LED2 and VTP1, VTP2 be installed
on the horizontal plane of the J frame, about a height of about im from the ground, and it is required that people enter and guard ten questions l}J first block I, EDl When the light path between I1 and
VTPI exits I1, first block the light path between I, ED2 and VTP2. In addition, the photoresistor
RI can make the user feel the natural light in the room when installed, so that the user can withstand the Lamp F is not illuminated by its own light
, otherwise the circuit will not work properly.




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