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PQS1 series magnetic control disk translation control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:萌面大虾 Keywords: control circuit BSP controller power outage Updated: 2020/01/05

7.PQS1 series magnetic control panel translation<strong>control circuit</strong>.gif

It is a control circuit composed of a master controller and a PQS1 series magnetic control panel , used to control the lifting control of the lifting mechanism of the bridge crane . The handle of the     master controller SA has 7 positions: in addition to the zero position, there are 3 lifting gears, which can obtain three different lifting speeds ; there are 3 descending gears, the second gear is single-phase braking descent, and the second gear is single-phase braking. The third gear is forced descent, and if it is a heavy object, it will transition to electric braking descent; the first gear can only perform reverse braking descent when shifting back from the second and third gears to the first gear, otherwise it will not work. When parking at zero position, brake YA acts first, and the motor delays o. The power will be cut off after 65 seconds to prevent the hook from slipping when the power is cut off and stopped when carrying heavy objects.     The pull-in delay of the reversing relay KTi is 0.11N0.16 s, and the disconnection delay is 0.15~0.2s. The purpose is to extend the switching time of the main contact and avoid causing phase-to-phase short circuit.




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