It is to make a micro motor composed of an AC permanent magnet synchronous motor and a gear reducer rotate forward and reverse, and the LCD displays the time and angle. The motor model is: 220v 375r/m
F149, to prevent the program from running off track, where to feed the dog?Is it correct to write the watchdog like this?WDTCTL=WDT_ARST_1000; //1s timingIE1|=WDTIE; //Open watchdog timer interrupt
At this time, the integrated chip is powered on (5V). If I connect pin 5 (input) to pin 10 (output) of another set of NOT gates, what voltage will it be? I tested it and found that the voltage is 2.7V
[size=18px]I have been learning some switch[/size][color=#4298ba][size=18px]circuit[/size][/color][size=18px]knowledge these days. I have always been curious about a question in the buck circuit. When
What is a transistor? A transistor, also known as a bipolar junction transistor (BJT), is a current-driven semiconductor device that controls the flow of electric current, where a small current in the