After MOS is turned on, is the resistance of Rds not affected by the voltage of Vds? That is to say, even when Vds=0V, the resistance of Rds and the Vds voltage during operation do not change much.
The main differences between routers and switches are reflected in the following aspects: (1) Different working levels. The original switches worked at the data link layer of the OSI/RM open architect
In the examples of the LPC54608 development board, there is an example of playing audio files as a USB device, which is located in the following directory: SDK_2.0_LPC54608J512\boards\lpcxpresso54608\
Please help me to explain the specific functions of this circuit; what are the uses of D1 and D2? What is the use of switch S and what happens when the switch is pressed? What components are needed to