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Seminar: Keysight electronic instrument measurement calibration basic knowledge and calibration cycle discussion

Total of 1 lesson ,50 minutes and 1 seconds

It is well known that electronic instruments require regular metrological calibration to ensure long-term accuracy. But not all calibrations are created equal. Keysight's service department, utilizing service locations and technical experts around the world, is committed to continuously optimizing calibration services to help customers maintain the long-term accuracy of electronic instruments and ensure global consistency and repeatability. Keysight's calibration seminar series aims to share knowledge and experience in different aspects of instrument calibration with everyone. This seminar will return to the basics of metrological calibration and conduct a comprehensive discussion with everyone: What is calibration? Why Calibration? What is the difference between calibration and verification... At the same time, regarding the questions we often hear about the setting and adjustment of the calibration cycle, we will also share Keysight's experience in calibration cycle adjustment.

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