This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user Rohm LCD Technology Station . If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indicate the s
What is the rectangle on the edge of the multi-purpose board (the rightmost side of this picture) used for? I don't know where to post it, so I'm posting it here.
MCU is different from the resource-rich Linux platform. MCU (such as Cortex M0+ based on Cortex V6M, etc.) Code usually runs in embedded Flash. In some specific applications, some functions need to ru
Ask: 1s display input pulse count, external interrupt can accumulate count, plus the timer every time to reset count display can not be achieved. Columbus Development Board
from pyb import Timer,ExtIn
It's the one with one .C and one function... Can you send me the schematic diagram and its function?? I'll make it... I guess it'll be of medium level... [[i] This post was last edited by Hard Alloy o