[p=26, null, left][color=#000][font=Arial]This update fixes some details in the C6678 multi-core image processing example mcip_omp_c6678. [/font][/color][/p][p=26, null, left][color=#000][font=Arial]I
Peak Memory Usage seems to be the memory used when compiling VHDL. I just used Xilinx and compiled a simple one to initialize a few signals. It used 120 and the GATE COUNT was only 48. However, the GA
Drive the Zhilin STM32 development board, the true color screen first set PINC as output All sub-functions are compiled and run in TFT018.c, then the screen displays as follows: STM32F EVAL BOARD Vers
Isn't it common to learn how to configure registers when learning microcontrollers? However, there is very little information about the registers of the MPS430 microcontroller. I can't find it online.
[align=center][font=punctuation, 微软雅黑, Tohoma][size=12px][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][font=微软雅黑][color=#000000][size=26px]Yuan Fang, what do you think of this circuit? (6) [/size][/color][/font][/color][/size