Vivado has a big project with a bunch of subroutines. When I generate the IP core, only the top-level IP core is generated, and the IP cores of the subroutines below are not generated. Why is this?
How can I use the files in the ftpd folder under \WINCE500\PUBLIC\SERVERS\SDK\SAMPLES to make an FTP server exe (using EVC)? Make an exe file, and one click is equivalent to setting up an FTP server.
I am not a computer science major. I need to run an operating system (and write related drivers) on the ARM platform, but I don't have a deep understanding of the operating system (I have never been i
2.1 UTM module The USB bus data line consists of DP and DN, which are I/O ports. The parallel pull-up and pull-down of DP and DN distinguish low-speed USB devices from high-speed USB devices. The data
My 430F1111, 3.3V voltage. 4MHz crystal often does not oscillate when powered on. The machine hangs there without any response, and the watchdog does not work. It seems very unreliable. I have 6 ident