In one interface of my serial port screen, some of the buttons can make the microcontroller work every time they are pressed, but some of them need to be pressed several times before the microcontroll
Is there anyone who is proficient in assembly and C51 who can convert the following DES encryption and decryption function into C51, so that the function can have input parameters, output parameters,
The information about TFT color screen is in English and hard to understand, and there is little information. I don't know what the idea of MCU driving TFT color screen is? If I drive the SD card to m
[p=28, 1, left][color=rgb(51, 51, 51)][size=16px]1. What you need to do in uboot is:[/size][/color][/p][p= 28, 1, left][color=rgb(51, 51, 51)][size=16px]①usb reset[/size][/color][/p][p=28, 1, left][co
I need to measure a nA level current (low frequency) on my PCB. The literature says that the section from the signal source output current to the detection device should be shielded with a shielded wi