Direct access to registers
Does anyone have the schematic diagram of the official stm32 demo board? If you have one, please send it to me. My QQ mailbox is [email]1097699242@QQ.COM[/email]
When using AT90Mega8515, I found that the read and write pins of the microcontroller are both low level, and the external dual-port RAM cannot be read or written. The programming software is code visi
*stk++ = (OS_STK)*(((INT8U*)pdata)); // data being passed*stk++ = (OS_STK)*(((INT8U*)pdata)+1);
Could you please tell me what these two sentences mean? I would be very grateful!
1. Voltage stress Power supply voltage stress is an important indicator to ensure the reliability of power supply. There are many devices in the power supply that have specified maximum withstand volt