Live replay: PI silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) ICs for auxiliary power supplies in the industrial market

Live replay: PI silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) ICs for auxiliary power supplies in the industrial market

power supplyGallium NitrideGaNSilicon Carbide

InnoSwitch™3-EP flyback switch IC perfectly integrates Power Integrations' FluxLink™ safe isolation communication technology, enabling small and compact, low component count power IC design. Now, the InnoSwitch3-EP product family has expanded to include silicon, PowiGaN™ and SiC switching technology solutions to support a variety of high-efficiency power supply designs in commercial, industrial and automotive applications. All InnoSwitch3 devices use FluxLink technology, which eliminates the need for optocouplers and related discrete feedback components. This further improves reliability and reduces component count while ensuring precise output current and voltage control and extremely fast dynamic response.

Total of 1 lessons39 minutes and 4 seconds

Live replay: Nexperia’s high-power GaN FETs enable a new generation of efficient power supply designs

Live replay: Nexperia’s high-power GaN FETs enable a new generation of efficient power supply designs

power supplyGaNNexperiaNexperia Semiconductor

Power conversion efficiency is an important factor promoting the development of power electronics. It is not only a key challenge for the industry, but also a driving force for innovation. Gallium nitride field effect transistors have extremely low switching quality factors and very fast switching transitions, achieving low loss and high-efficiency power conversion at high switching frequencies. They can achieve smaller, faster, and heat dissipation at lower system costs. A better performing, lighter system. Nexperia uses Cascode GaN in a cascade structure, an industry-standard driver compatible with traditional Si-FET, and the drive circuit design is very simple. Using proven SMD CCPAK copper clip packaging technology, it delivers industry-leading performance in a truly innovative package, while offering both top-cooling and traditional bottom-cooling designs to increase design flexibility and further enhance thermal capabilities.

Total of 1 lessons58 minutes and 5 seconds




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