This article introduces two most commonly used methods for measuring algorithm running time during DSP development on the TI CCS platform. One is more convenient to use in projects with SYS/BIOS syste
According to the environment built several times before, some errors occurred when porting uboot. I have made some conclusions. I have converted the compiler to the older arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2. The spec
Access control products have existed since ancient times. As the first line of defense for personal and property safety, they are essential for people's lives and work. From mechanical products such a
The content of this course covers most of the mainstream neural networks. Using easy-to-understand language, this book aims to help the audience understand the principles of neural networks and learn
I now have a board with 5*8 push switches on it. I would like to ask if I can solder the switches and connect them to LED lights. If possible, can I modify it in the Quartus software?