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  • Internet of Things Framework Standard-OIC Core Framework
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  • Duration:12 minutes and 38 seconds
  • Date:2017/07/21
  • Uploader:老白菜
The architecture of the Internet of Things is mainly divided into three layers:
1. Perception layer (Sensors and Sensor networks),
2. Network layer (3G/4G/5G communication network),
3. Application layer (cloud services for various applications).
Perception layer Mainly discusses various wired or wireless sensors (such as temperature, humidity, brightness, gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer, heartbeat, blood pressure, pulse, etc.) and how to construct sensor networks to transmit the data collected by the sensors It is a very challenging task for sensors to achieve low power consumption (high battery life), low cost, small size, long wireless transmission distance, etc. The network layer mainly discusses how to use existing wireless or wired networks to Effectively transmit the collected data, such as using existing 3G/4G wireless transmission technology, or future 5G wireless transmission technology, etc. The application layer mainly explores how various application fields use the results of big data analysis to provide feedback and Control sensors or controller adjustments, etc. Overall, the Internet of Things is a living ecosystem. Sensors collect data and transmit it back to the cloud processing center through mobile phones or other device networks. After analysis, the control information is It is passed back to the controller for various fine or delicate controls.
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