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USB driver development based on DWC2 - starting and stopping S/G DMA mode - EPENA state BNA and XFER COMPLETE interrupt

Latest update time:2024-08-03

1. Introduction

DWC2 supports S/G DMA , namely Scatter/Gather DMA mode , which can free up the CPU to achieve efficient data flow.

Of course, the IP configuration needs to support this mode. When bit32 of register GHWCFG4 is 1 , it means that the current IP configuration supports this DMA mode.

When the IP supports this mode, the user can also configure whether to enable this mode.

In device mode, the software configures bit 23 of the DCFG register to 1 to enable the DMA mode. Of course, the DMA mode must be enabled at this time , that is, DMAEn of the GAHBCFG register is configured to 1. If it is HOST mode, configure bit 23 of HCFG .

2. Start and stop S/G DMA

The original intention of S/G DMA is to use the descriptor linked list for the interaction between hardware DMA and software to achieve uninterrupted streaming processing . Users only need to prepare descriptors. When the high-speed hardware descriptors are ready, they can start processing. The rest is handled by the hardware S/G DMA . The hardware DMA continuously scans the descriptors to carry out the corresponding data transfer. After the transfer is completed, an interrupt is generated, and the processing can be stopped or not and then returned to the descriptor linked list to continue processing. The cooperation of hardware and software can achieve uninterrupted streaming processing in a ring .

This method is naturally suitable for ISOC transmission, which is a streaming and uninterrupted transmission. Therefore, for ISOC , S/G DMA does not stop automatically ( unless an error occurs or the descriptor is not ready ) . For non-isochronous transmission such as BULK , it stops automatically after processing a descriptor list (L=1) . Of course, there is also a trick to configure the descriptor's MTRF=1 to indicate that streaming processing is required. At this time, it does not stop when encountering a descriptor with L=1 , but continues to process like ISOC .

Simply put, ISOC transmission will continuously loop through the descriptor list, while BULK and INT non-isochronous transmissions require the descriptor MTRF=1 to indicate continuous looping of the descriptor list, otherwise it will stop when L=1 is encountered .

The start of S/G DMA is set by EPENA in bit31 of the DIEP and DOEP control registers . The software sets this bit to 1 to start S/G DMA processing. Before this, the descriptor and DIEPDMAi/DOEPDMAi information need to be set.

The hardware S/G DMA starts processing the descriptor when it detects that EPENA is 1 , and then clears EPENA according to the specific stop condition ( processing is completed or an error occurs or the descriptor is not ready ) . Of course, the software can also actively set EPENA to 0 to stop DMA work before EPENA has been set but not cleared by hardware.

Here is a brief summary

Assuming that the user only prepares one descriptor and sets L=1 , IOC=1 , after the hardware processes this descriptor, does it actively stop DMA and generate a BNA ( descriptor not ready ) interrupt?

If the current descriptor is actively stopped after completion, only an XFER COMPLETE interrupt will be generated without a BNA interrupt.

If you do not actively stop and continue to circle back to query the descriptor, a BNA will be generated because the descriptor is not ready, and DMA will be forced to stop at this time .


BNA interruption





INT interrupt transmission is exactly the same as BULK transmission







ISOC does not stop automatically whether it is IN or OUT, and will only stop when BNA is generated .

BULK will stop automatically whether it is IN or OUT, and will not generate BNA .








When L=1 is encountered , it will go back to the start descriptor to continue processing. Once all descriptors are set, they must be set.




No such configuration




ISOC and control transmission do not have this configuration




ISOC and control transmission do not have this configuration

For details, please refer to the flowchart in the programming guide

INT/BULK IN is shown in the figure below.

The start is when EPENA is set, and the stop is when the descriptor with L=1 is encountered. Of course, the descriptor will stop if BNA or other errors are generated when it is not ready. So it will stop actively when L=1 is encountered .

INT/BULK OUT is shown in the figure below

Startup is when EPENA is set and there is data in RXFIFO , and stop is when encountering a descriptor with L=1 . Of course, it will also stop if the descriptor is not ready and BNA or other errors occur. So it will automatically stop when encountering L=1 .

The stop condition shown in the figure below should be wrong, it should be drawn as ISOC OUT , BULK OUT

When MTRF=0 and L=1 is encountered , it will stop automatically. When MTRF=1 , it will continue to wrap around to the beginning of the descriptor to continue processing.


When starting , EPENA is set. When L=1 is encountered, it does not stop actively but goes back to the start descriptor to continue processing. Of course, it will also stop if the descriptor is not ready and BNA or other errors are generated.


When starting, EPENA is set and there is data in RXFIFO . When L=1 is encountered, it does not stop actively but goes back to the start descriptor to continue processing. Of course, it will also stop if the descriptor is not ready and BNA or other errors are generated.

3. Actual measurement

The following tests are performed for various situations where MTRF=0


The following information is printed in the In interrupt

Print the following information when ready to send

You can see the print information as follows

set itf 4 1inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acinep2,int:281inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acinep2,int:281inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acinep2,int:281inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acinep2,int:201inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acmic set samp:16000inep2,int:201inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acinep2,int:2291inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acinep2,int:2291inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acinep2,int:2291inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977acinep2,int:2291inep2,xfer,ctrl:8480c0inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0

Print first and prepare to receive

inep2 buf:281977ac tosnd 32 dma:28182f00 abff020 281977ac

Re-printing enters interrupt


Printing again and entering the complete interrupt


and BNA interrupt

inep2,bna,DMA=28182f08 8480c0

Here we can see that the control register is printed 8480c0 , that is, EPENA=0 .

Theoretically, when the complete interrupt is generated, DMA has not stopped yet and EPENA=1 . When the BNA interrupt is generated , DMA stops and EPENA=0 . However, the BNA and complete interrupts are generated at the same time, so EPENA=0 is seen here .


Print when ready to receive

Print in out interrupt

The print information is as follows

set itf 3 1outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 32 dma:28182f78 e000020 28197914sp set samp:32000outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:800480c0outep2,int:200outep2,bna,DMA=28182f80 480c0outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 64 dma:28182f78 e000040 28197914
outep2,int:2001outep2,xfer,ctrl:800480c0outep2,int:200outep2,bna,DMA=28182f80 480c0outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 64 dma:28182f78 e000040 28197914

Print first and prepare to send

outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 32 dma:28182f78 e000020 28197914

Then print again and enter interrupt


Printing again is complete interrupt. At this time, we see that the control register is 800480c0 , EPENA=1 , that is, DMA is not stopped.

Later, the host receives OUT data. At this time, since the software has not prepared the descriptor, a BNA interrupt is generated.



outep2,bna,DMA=28182f80 480c0

That is , there are xfer complete interrupts and BNA interrupts.

The current OUT can be received normally and only the complete interrupt is triggered. After a while, the host continues OUT . At this time, if there is no ready descriptor, BNA will be generated and DMA will be stopped .


Print when ready to receive

Print in out interrupt

The print information is as follows

outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:b8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:a8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:b8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:a8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:b8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:a8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:b8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:a8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:b8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:a8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:b8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:a8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:b8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:a8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:b8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:a8200outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040

You can see that the first print

outep2 buf:28307040 torcv 1536 dma:28307c40 a000600 28307040

Re-print interrupt


Then print the xfer complete interrupt. At this time, the control register is a8200 , that is, DMA stops EPENA=0.


That is, there is only xfer complete interrupt , no BNA interrupt, because DMA stops automatically.


The following information is printed in the In interrupt

Print the following information when ready to send

The print information is as follows

inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:888200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:888200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:888200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:888200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:888200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:888200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600cinep2,int:2091inep2,xfer,ctrl:898200

Print first and prepare to send

inep2 buf:2830600c tosnd 5 dma:28307030 a000005 2830600c

Then print into interrupt


Print xfer complete interrupt again


That is, there is only xfer complete interrupt , no BNA interrupt, because DMA stops automatically.

4. Things to note

4.1 Clearing the interrupt timing issue

To clear the interrupt, you must clear it immediately after reading the interrupt, because there may be new interrupts when the interrupt service function is processing. If you clear it after the interrupt function, the newly generated interrupt will be cleared.

set itf 4 1inep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38inep2,intinep2,xfer,ctrl:848180inep2,bna,DMA=28182f40 848180inep2 doneinep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38inep2,intinep2,bna,DMA=28182f40 848180inep2 doneinep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38inep2,intinep2,xfer,ctrl:848180inep2,bna,DMA=28182f40 848180inep2 doneinep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38inep2,intinep2,xfer,ctrl:848180inep2,bna,DMA=28182f40 848180inep2 doneinep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38inep2,intinep2,xfer,ctrl:848180inep2,bna,DMA=28182f40 848180inep2 doneinep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38inep2,intinep2,xfer,ctrl:848180inep2,bna,DMA=28182f40 848180inep2 doneinep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38

A total of 7 transactions were sent , and the second transaction did not generate an XFERCOMPL interrupt.

The 7th transaction no longer generates XFERCOMPL and BNA interrupts.

At this time, no data was captured on the bus.

set itf 4 1

inep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38 abff040 281977fc



inep2,bna,DMA=28182f40 848180

inep2 done

inep2 buf:281977fc tosnd 64 dma:28182f38 abff040 281977fc

The register value at this time is 0x03000940

00848180 00000000 00000080 00000000 0007ff80 28182f40 00000040 2819783c 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000000

Change to

4.2 ISOC OUT and IOSC IN BNA timing is different

ISOC IN and OUT generate BNA at different times

For IN, once the previous descriptor is processed , as long as there is space in TXFIFO, the next descriptor will be processed immediately. If the next descriptor is not ready at this time, BNA will be generated immediately, so complete and bna are generated at the same time.

As for OUT , after the previous descriptor is processed, DMA needs to wait for data to be received in RXFIFO before it can process the next descriptor . If the next descriptor is not ready, BNA will be generated. Therefore , after completion, BNA will be generated only after the next data is received .

4.3 Location of DMA settings

DMA[0] should be set last because if DMA is not stopped, when the software updates the descriptor, the hardware needs to read the status of DMA[0] to allow DMA access before accessing it. Therefore, the software must prepare all the information before configuring this part of DMA[0] to ensure that when the hardware can access the descriptor, other information is ready.

set itf 3 1outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 32 dma:28182f78 e000020 28197914sp set samp:32000outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:800480c0outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 64 dma:28182f78 e000040 28197914outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:800480c0outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 64 dma:28182f78 e000040 28197914outep2,int:1outep2,xfer,ctrl:800480c0outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 64 dma:28182f78 e000040 28197914outep2,int:211outep2,xfer,ctrl:800480c0outep2,bna,DMA=28182f80 800480c0outep2 buf:28197914 torcv 64 dma:28182f78 e000040 28197914

Int:211 indicates that BNA has caused DMA to stop, that is, EPENA=0 . A new OUT has arrived, and EPENA=0 at this time , so an OUTTknEPdis event is generated.

5. Conclusion

When using S/G DMA mode, you need to pay attention to the start and stop conditions of DMA . ISOC hardware will not stop actively, so if the next descriptor is not prepared in time, it will cause BNA interrupts and need to be properly handled. Non- ISOC hardware will automatically stop when encountering L=1 descriptor, so the software can have enough time to prepare the next descriptor and restart.

There are differences in the timing of BNA generation for ISOC IN and OUT , as explained in the text.

The timing of clearing interrupts during interrupts and the location of DMA[0] settings are also things that need attention.

The above mainly clarifies the start and stop of S/G DMA and some points that need attention. How to actually use S/G DMA to achieve efficient and uninterrupted streaming transmission is a very important content, which I will share later when I have time.

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