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LT4060 2A Ni-MH battery charger with temperature control

Source: InternetPublisher:石榴姐 Keywords: Temperature control Ni-MH battery charger BSP Updated: 2020/06/27

6.LT4060 2A<strong>Ni-MH battery charger with<strong>temperature control</strong>.gif

The charging circuit will generate a temperature rise, especially when charging with high current , the temperature rise of the charging circuit and the rechargeable battery will be higher. The LTC4060
external thermistor can detect the charging temperature to avoid overheating charging. LT4060 2A Ni-MH battery charger with temperature control is shown in the figure.     RT, Og and the internal circuit of LT4060 constitute a temperature detection circuit. RT is a thermistor with a negative temperature coefficient . You can choose a thermistor with a resistance of lOkn at 45℃ . Close to the surface of the battery . When the temperature is relatively high, the LT4060 will automatically reduce the charging current. When the temperature rises to 55°C , charging will automatically stop.     LED1 is the charging indicator light, and LED2 is the "charge full" indicator light. Pin ⑦ sets the maximum charging current, Ⅲ. = 1395/R, pin ⑧ sets the maximum charging voltage. The charging current of LT4060 is o_4-2A, and the power supply voltage range is 4.5N10V. It can charge nickel metal hydride and nickel cadmium rechargeable batteries.




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