Various signal generator circuits
Source: InternetPublisher:司马缸砸光 Keywords: Signal generator generator circuit BSP DC Updated: 2020/04/17
The audio function generator circuit composed of the integrated circuit ICL8038 can generate square waves, triangle waves and sine waves, as shown in Figure 11-8. Resistor
Shu and potentiometer RP1 are used to determine the DC potential Ua of pin 8, which is usually set to ≥2Ucr/3. The higher the value, the smaller IA and JB, and
the lower the output frequency, and vice versa. Therefore, ICL8038 is also called a voltage controlled oscillator (vc0) or frequency modulator (FM). The adjustable frequency range of RP1
is 20Hz-20kHz. Us can also provide a fixed potential from pin 7. At this time, the output frequency fo is only determined by RA-RB and capacitor c1.
Ucc, when dual power supply is used, the DC level of the output waveform is zero. When using a single power supply, the DC level of the output waveform is Uw/2
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