Single switch multi-light control circuit (2)
Source: InternetPublisher:张七岁 Keywords: switch control circuit BSP Updated: 2020/11/30
Figure 296 Only one power switch S can control the on and off of three groups of light bulbs El, E2 and E3. E is suitable for controlling
large chandeliers in living rooms . When s is disconnected, the lamp is fully on; when s is closed for the first time, only E1 is on; when S is disconnected,
LS can be closed for a short time, El and E2 are on; when LS is closed again, F1 and F3 are on. On; open the fork again and close
f S. El-E3 all lights up.
R. , G, v D1, vs and c1 form a simple capacitor step-down half-wave rectifier and voltage stabilizing circuit. (. is an energy storage
capacitor. When s is cut off, UM013 can reliably trigger counting without power interruption within a certain period of time. VD2 is an isolation
diode, which allows
small charges to be discharged to the forward stage
. (, D4 013 is
Double D flip-flop,
which forms a counter
. Since R,,
(1, the charge and discharge time
constant is very small, S
disconnects the cross I pin
once , R: The upper end outputs a counting positive pulse and sends it to @ pin cI1 terminal counting, so that the Ql and Q2 terminals output high
level. Press: OO bl0_01_11_00_--timing change. When both Ql and Q2 output low level, that is, "00"
, only E1 lights up, and E2 and E3 light up slightly; when the output "1 0" ef, the thyristor VTH1 is turned on, so
El and E2 are lit {when "01" is output, VTH2 is turned on, F1 and E3 are lit; when "ll" is output,
VTHl and VTH2 are not connected, and the group light All lit up.
"The CI3H-4()OV type polypropylene IU container collapsed. The VTH1 and VTH2 ports J collapsed the MAC94A4 type small
plastic-encapsulated bidirectional thyristor. Other component parameters are shown in the figure, and there are no special requirements.
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