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How to use ultrasonic sensors to make a simple nucleic acid sampling machine

Source: InternetPublisher:张七岁 Keywords: Ultrasonic Sensors Updated: 2024/08/02

As the epidemic becomes normalized, nucleic acid testing has long become a part of our daily lives. So can we use simple equipment to make a simple nucleic acid sampling machine?

Setting Steps Diagram

1. Sampler base:

2. Main parts of the sampler:




High Angle Shot

3. Claws:


High Angle Shot

4. Combination of body and claws

5. Access Sensors

Breakout Board

Ultrasonic Sensors

6. Complete the construction

7. Add auxiliary materials: cotton swabs, paper cups


1. Open the http://microbit.makecode.org programming platform. To program, we need to add a library: click 'Extensions' at the bottom of MakeCode, search for 'nezha' in the dialog box, and click

2. Drag the servo block and set the torque and angle of the servo to 360°. The servo on the claw is connected to the S1 interface at an angle of 10°; the servo that controls the up and down movement of the claw is connected to the S2 interface at an angle of 170°; the servo that controls the rotation of the gear is connected to the S2 interface at an angle of 50°.

3. Next, prepare the ultrasonic sensor. Connect the ultrasonic wave to the J1 interface of Nezha. When the ultrasonic sensing distance is less than or equal to 20, adjust the angles of the three servos and set the pause time. The complete program is as follows:

These are the complete steps of the nucleic acid sampling mechanism. You can also imagine transforming it into an automatic feeder and other works.




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