Rice mill circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:3228 Keywords: Electromechanical BSP MDASH Updated: 2020/02/05

20. Rice milling<strong>mechanical and electrical</strong> road.gif

(1) Circuit composition The rice processing machinery controller circuit is composed of knife
switch Q, fuse FU1-FU4, start button Sl, stop button
S2, AC contactor KMl~KM3 and thermal relay FRI~F[R3
, as shown in Figure 8 -20 shown.
    (2) Circuit principle M1 is the driving motor of the bucket double elevator
, M2 is the motor of the threshing machine, and M3 is the motor of the rice mill
    Turn on the knife switch os. Press the start button S1. The AC contactors
KM1-KM3 are all energized and closed, their normally open contacts are connected, and the motors
M1-M3 start to operate, putting the rice processing machine into working condition:
the bucket-type double elevator sends the clean rice to be milled. The paddy machine performs shelling
, and the dehulled brown rice is sent to the rice mill through the elevator for separation
and whitening, and fine bran and white rice are separated.
    After processing is completed, press the stop button S2 to
release KM1-KM3. M1~M3 stop running.
    Thermal relays FR1~FR3 are used for overload protection of Ml--M3 respectively
. If a motor has an overload or overheating fault, the thermal relay of this circuit
will operate, and its normally closed contact will open, causing the AC contactor connected in series with it to release, and the motor will shut down for protection. For example, when M2 has an overload or
overheating fault, FR2 acts, its normally closed contact opens + causes KM2 to release, and M2 stops.




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