Home > Industry Application >Other Industry Circuits > Agricultural small tractor lighting circuit

Agricultural small tractor lighting circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:酷到被通缉 Keywords: Lighting circuits electrical installations BSP generators Updated: 2021/04/05

14. Small agricultural tractor<strong>Lighting circuit</strong>.gif

The tractor is a very commonly used agricultural machinery in rural areas. It
plays an important role in agricultural production and farmers' transportation. As a rural electrician, it is very useful to know some
tractor lighting circuits . The electrical device of a small tractor is relatively simple and is mainly used for night
lighting and driving steering signals. It consists of a generator , lighting, turn signals and other electrical equipment,
as well as wires, switches and other power distribution parts, as shown in the figure.
    Each electrical device of a small tractor is connected in parallel with the generator to form a complete circuit
, which is controlled by a transfer switch without interfering with each other. Each electrical device adopts a "single-wire
system", that is, a wire is used to connect one pole of the generator to one end of the electrical device, and
the other pole of the generator and the other end of the electrical device are connected to the metal of the body respectively. Using the machine body
instead of the wire is generally called grounding.




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