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PPMC and IBM PC interface example

Source: InternetPublisher:念慈菴 Keywords: IBM PMC PPM interface Updated: 2020/07/16

7. P<strong>PMC</strong> and <strong>IBM</strong> PC<strong>Interface</strong> example.gif

"Remaining step number register" represents
the number of steps that have not been completed when the motor stops. For example, this situation will occur when the total step has been input when working with constant speed motion or acceleration and deceleration motion operation instructions
, but it stops due to the limit switch or emergency stop signal.
The number of remaining pulses is represented by three bytes. If you need to continue to complete the remaining number of steps,
input the remaining number and restart the motor until the register data is zero.
    P PMC
chip can interface with single-chip microcomputers such as Inte18080, MOTOROLA6800, z80, etc. , as well as with personal computers such as IBM PC and APPLEII
. Figure 13-22 shows an example of its interface with IBM PC . There are not many peripheral additional circuits. .




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