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Servo motor pin diagram/working principle/application

Source: InternetPublisher:刘德华河北分华 Keywords: Servo Motor Updated: 2025/01/10

Servo motors have a unique property of turning to a specific angle (0, 90, 180) depending on the pulse width of the input signal. These servo motors are widely used in robotic applications, machinery control, etc. Usually a microcontroller will be used to control the servo motor but occasionally you will find some other ICs used for this purpose. This article explains the working and principle of a servo motor.

Pin Diagram:


Internal servo motor:

Inside this motor, you will find a simple DC motor, a potentiometer, and a control circuit that regulates the movement of the DC motor. Every time the motor moves, it changes the resistance in the potentiometer that is fed into the control circuit. In this way, the control circuit can calculate how much movement the DC motor has experienced and its direction. This is described as the feedback mechanism used in the operation of a servo motor.

Working principle of servo motor:

As mentioned earlier, a stepper motor rotates at a specific angle depending on the width of the input pulse. Also, the frequency of the input pulse should match the specifications mentioned in its datasheet. Here, we will mention a hobby servo motor, which operates at a frequency of 50Hz or a time period of 20ms.

Working principle diagram of servo motor

The timing diagram above shows the rotation angle relative to the input pulse width. If the high level time in the control signal is 1ms, 1.5ms and 2ms, the motor will rotate to the specified position as specified in the timing diagram.

0, 90 and 180 degrees. These pulses are fed to the control circuit of the servo which in turn controls the movement of the motor.

Not every servo has the same operating specifications (frequency and time period). You must check the datasheet provided by the manufacturer to find out for the servo you are going to use.


Toy cars and airplanes.


Industrial Applications

Mechanical control.

Manufacturing plants, etc.




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