Home > Control Circuits >Motor Control > LS7261-LS7262 three-phase full-wave output circuit

LS7261-LS7262 three-phase full-wave output circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:无人共我 Keywords: Output circuit motor BSP Updated: 2021/03/14

3.LS7261-LS7262 three-phase full-wave<strong>output circuit</strong>.gif

It shows
the connection method of this circuit with an external three-phase power bridge and current detection. In the figure, VF. ~VF. Indicates the MOSFET inside the circuit for output
driving. Figure 3-6 shows VF, and VF. In the conduction working state, the current
flows through the external transistors V]o, and v, along the dotted line. . the base. The current limiting resistor, R, should
be selected based on V and the required current. When
  it is necessary to control the motor to accelerate, decelerate and adjust speed in two different directions,
IoWM circuits such as SG17 31 or UC1637 can be used. The FORWARD (F) and REVERSE (R) pulse width modulation signals they output
can be as shown in Figure 3-7 Connect to LS7260/
LS7261/LS7262. In the figure, a resistor-diode network forms an OR gate logic circuit. When the F
or R signal is high level , the LS7260/LS7261/LS7262 is "enabled", and
when F is high level, the motor generates forward torque, and R is high level. When the cassette torque is generated.
The rotation direction of the motor is determined by the relative ratio of the pulse widths of F and R. The acceleration or deceleration
is determined by the change of these pulse widths.




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