Home > Audio/Video Circuits > 40W super power circuit

40W super power circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:司马缸砸光 Keywords: TI BSP Updated: 2020/05/03

12.40W super power<strong>circuit</strong>.gif

This circuit has unique design and excellent performance. It uses 2N3055 and 2955 as the power amplifier output tube. Figure 2-12 is its
circuit schematic.
    VTi ~ VT3 form a differential input stage, where VT3 is its constant current source. The signal output from the collector of VTi is input to
the base of the voltage amplification stage VT4. A total of 6 transistors from VT4 to VTg form a seemingly complex voltage amplification
stage. Let’s analyze its structure below. VT4 and VTs form a common-emitter-common-base voltage amplification stage, which is the main part of the circuit.
VT6. VT7 is its constant current source load. VTs and VTg are connected as diodes. Its main function is for temperature compensation
and to stabilize the operating point of the circuit. Together with RPi, it forms the base bias circuit of the drive stage VTio and VTii. It can be adjusted
by adjusting RPi. The quiescent operating current o
    VTjo ~ vTis of the output stage is composed of three tubes with different polarities to form a pair of triple composite complementary push-pull output circuits . Among them,
VTio-. rrr12.VT14 forms a triple compound tube on the upper arm, yrII, VTi"VTis form a triple compound tube on the lower arm, and the upper and
lower arms are completely symmetrical. When using triple compound tubes with the same polarity, since the output signal is relative to the input signal There is a certain delay
, especially when the tube is cut off under reverse bias, the delay time is longer, so the cut-off distortion is greater. This
heteropolar triple composite tube can overcome the above shortcomings. It is not only extremely sensitive It has following characteristics and has
a good effect in eliminating cut-off distortion. When there is a slight change in the input terminal of VTio.Vrii, the output current will change greatly. Therefore
, the quiescent current of voltage amplifier stages VT4 and Vr5 You can get a smaller one, 5mA is sufficient




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