Home > Audio/Video Circuits >Audio Amplifier Circuits > Active power amplifier circuit composed of TDA2003

Active power amplifier circuit composed of TDA2003

Source: InternetPublisher:smallembedded Keywords: Power amplifier circuit Updated: 2024/09/11

The circuit is shown in the figure. When making it, first install the voltage parallel negative feedback circuit. Test the collector voltage close to 1/2VCC in static state. Connect the signal generator to the input end. Output a sine wave voltage of 1kHzlomV~100mV. Connect the oscilloscope to the output end. Measure the largest undistorted waveform. This is mainly to strengthen students' understanding of negative feedback amplifier circuits. Then install the integrated amplifier, and pay attention to ensure that there is no short circuit between the pins. After power on, first test the static output of TDA2003 to be about 1/2Vcc. Then debug the whole machine. Choose OTL integrated power amplifier circuit. It is to prevent the speaker from being damaged during the debugging of the power amplifier circuit. TDA2003 has the characteristics of wide voltage range, large output power, strong overload capacity, and overvoltage protection function, which is very suitable for production.





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