Home > Audio/Video Circuits >Audio Amplifier Circuits > TDA2009A power amplifier circuit

TDA2009A power amplifier circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:明天见 Keywords: Power amplifier circuit Updated: 2024/11/15

Here is a 10+10W stereo amplifier made with TDA2009A power amplifier integrated circuit (see picture). Due to the use of dedicated integrated circuits, its production becomes very simple and its performance is also good. Its main performance features are as follows:

Supply voltage

DC 8-24V/1-2A

Power output>10W

4Ω load, 24VDC power supply>6W4Ω load, 24VDC power supply>4W

4Ω load, 12VDC power supply


10W output

Frequency Response


Gain 36dB

Input Level

100mV full power output



Principle and production points: C1, C2 are input capacitors, C10, C11 are output capacitors, C6, C7 are feedback capacitors, C4, C5 are power supply filter capacitors. R1/R2 or (R3/R4) controls the feedback amount, and the amplifier gain is equal to 1+ (R1/R2) = 68 or 37dB. The maximum power supply voltage of the device is DC28V. When working, TDA2009A needs to add a heat sink, and attention should be paid to the selection of power cord and speaker connection. The input end should use shielded wire and be as short as possible. When welding TDA2009A, pay attention to the time to be short and the action to be fast, but let it fully integrate with the circuit board to ensure good and reliable contact.




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