Home > Audio/Video Circuits > LB1416,36 five-segment and ten-segment level display (b)

LB1416,36 five-segment and ten-segment level display (b)

Source: InternetPublisher:黄土马家 Keywords: Level display BSP Updated: 2021/01/16

49.LB1416,36 five-segment and ten-segment<strong><strong>Level</strong>monitor</strong> (b).gif

Another commonly used single-channel five-lamp driving circuit is: LB1416/26/36, which is a dual-in-line 14 -pin package structure with a heat sink . It has two input amplifiers and five voltage comparators inside, which can drive both AC and DC level meters
and light-emitting diodes. Since the circuit is equipped with two input terminals, it can be used for both single-channel output level display
and dual-channel output level display. The power supply voltage of this circuit has a wide adaptable range of 5.5 to 16V. , there are two half-transition rectifiers inside the input
amplifier, which can provide a constant excitation current
for the LED, and the current can be controlled by an external resistor to adjust the brightness of the LED. The relevant parameters of LB1416/26/36 are shown in Table 4-80.
    The power supply voltage range of the circuit is 5.5~16V, and the power supply current is 12mA. Figure 4-49 is a five-segment and ten-segment level
display circuit     composed of LB1416/26/36 .    LB1416/26/36 has two input terminals and only one set of output terminals. When it is used as a dual-channel display driver, in order to ensure the consistency of the two-channel input signal display, each channel needs to be adjusted separately during adjustment. If you adjust it first For the right channel, the OdB signal should be input to the right channel input terminal, and the 51kS1 potentiometer at the input terminal should be adjusted. For LB1416, Lm should be illuminated; then the 0dB signal should be input to the left channel, and the same method should be used to make LD3 illuminate. The same method can be used to adjust o for LB1426 and 1436




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