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LM4915 is used for dual-channel amplifier circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:萌面大虾 Keywords: Amplifier circuit LM4915 Updated: 2024/09/12

LM4915 is used for dual-channel amplifier circuit

As shown in the figure, this is the LM4915 dual-channel amplifier circuit. The left and right channel audio signals are input into the 8th and 3rd pins of the LM4915 respectively, and are output from the 6th and 5th pins respectively after being amplified by the internal amplifier, and are directly coupled to the speakers of their respective channels. The gain of the LM4915 amplifier is determined by the internal resistors Ri and Rf, and the internal fixed gain is set to 6dB. The maximum power consumption of the amplifier, push-pull output coupling mode PDMAX=4VDD2/π2RL, single-ended output coupling mode PDMAX=VDD2/π2RL. fc=1/2πRICi. Among them, Ri=20kΩ. The 1st pin of the LM4915 is connected to the shutdown control externally. When the 1st pin is connected to a high level (1.8V is a high level), it is allowed to work, and when it is connected to a low level (0.4V is a low level), it is prohibited to work, reducing the power consumption of the chip.




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