How to make a simple quadcopter using ESP8266
Source: InternetPublisher:黄土马家 Keywords: Quadcopter ESP8266 Updated: 2024/01/05
In this project I will show you how to make a quadcopter using ESP8266 (12e). We use ESP8266 as the flight controller. And it is said that this drone can climb walls. Are you shocked? Just kidding, let’s keep reading!
flight control
The flight controller (FC) is the brain of the quadcopter. It is basically an integrated circuit board that includes sensors that detect changes in orientation. It also receives user commands and controls the motors to keep the quadcopter in the air. There are many flight control panels on the market. Some of them are open source, some are not.
Esp8266 quadcopter consumables
Required components:
MPU6050 acceleration/gyro module
brushed motor
Si2302MOSFET (5x)
Drone kit (optional)
Tools used:
flight control
Just as we know how the brain works, we know what to do with it. Here you have the parts of the Flight Controller (FC).
The flight controller (FC) is the brain of the quadcopter. It is basically an integrated circuit board that includes sensors that detect changes in orientation. It also receives user commands and controls the motors to keep the quadcopter in the air.
Almost all flight controllers (FC) include basic gyroscope and accelerometer (Gyro and Acc) sensors. Some FCs may include more advanced sensors such as barometers and magnetometers (compasses).
Here I made my own flight controller using ESP8266 and MPU6050 gyro and accelerometer (gyroscope and accelerometer) sensors.
What is ESP8266?
Basically, the ESP8266 is a Wi-Fi module. It has 2.4GHz Wi-Fi capabilities, which is 802.11b/g/n. It supports WPA and WPA2. It is a system-on-chip with an integrated 32-bit processor running at 80MHz (can also be overclocked to 160MHz). It has 64KB of RAM and 64KB of boot ROM.
Why do we use ESP8266?
ESP8266 module enables microcontroller to connect to 2.4GHz Wi-Fi
ESP8266 features
ESP8266 has many applications in IoT. Here are some of the features of the chip:
Network: The module’s Wi-Fi antenna enables embedded devices to connect to the router and transmit data
Data processing: includes processing basic inputs from analog and digital sensors for more complex calculations using RTOS or non-OSSDK
P2P connection: Use IoTP2P connection to create direct communication between the ESP and other devices
Web Server: Access pages written in HTML or development languages.
ESP8266 as a microcontroller:
Low power consumption, highly integrated Wi-Fi solution
Minimum 7 external components
Wide temperature range: -40°C to +125°C
ESP8285—8Mbit Flash Embedded
Radio transmitters and receivers and yaw, pitch, roll
The radio transmitter sends a signal to the receiver, which receives this signal and operates according to the commands from the transmitter.
Radio controllers typically consist of a transmitter and receiver, which typically operate on radio frequencies that do not require a low-power transmitter license.
Yaw, pitch, roll
A radio transmitter sends a signal to a receiver. The receiver receives this signal and operates according to the commands from the transmitter.
Radio controllers typically consist of a transmitter and receiver, which typically operate on radio frequencies that do not require a low-power transmitter license
Yaw, pitch, roll
Moving your drone left or right in the air actually "rolls" your drone.
Tilt your drone forward or backward.
Rotate your drone clockwise or counterclockwise, allowing you to draw circles or patterns in the air.
Control the amount of power sent to the drone, making it faster or slower.
Moving your drone left or right in the air actually "rolls" your drone.
Tilt your drone forward or backward.
Rotate your drone clockwise or counterclockwise, allowing you to draw circles or patterns in the air.
Control the amount of power sent to the drone, making it faster or slower.
Schematic diagram
This is a schematic diagram of this drone
The wiring diagram is very simple
You have to connect the MPU6050 module pins with the Esp8266 pins as per the schematic, the schematic is shown above.
Make a circuit
Make the circuit as per the schematic given in the above image.
software part
How to install Arduino desktop IDE?
Download ArduinoDesktopIDE at ArduinoSoftware
Select your operating system (Windows7, Windows10, Linux64-bit, etc.)
Click on "Download Only" and follow the instructions given
If you do not have administrator rights, download the "Windows ZIP file for non-administrator installations" and extract it to the desired location.
Start ArduinoDesktopIDE (if it doesn't start automatically or you don't find the ArduinoIDE shortcut, click arduino.exe)
Install support for ESP8266
Select "File->Preferences"
Added . to "AdditionalBoardsManagerURLs"
Click "OK"
Install ESP8266WiFi.h library
Copy the code and put your own wifiSSID and password in the code
Go to Wall Climbing Drone and download the code.
Change ssid or pass: WiFi.begin("Diyprojectslab", "romeooo"); //Changessidandpassword
Open the provided sketch in Arduino IDE
Update WiFi credentials in Esp826drone.ino file
Upload it to your ESP8266
Assemble your drone
Install all motors
Two motors rotate clockwise and two motors rotate counterclockwise (see picture), if the motors are not rotating in the correct direction, just switch the polarity of the motors
Check battery and voltage
Check that all propellers are securely connected
Check all motor installations
Check all motor installations
Always unplug the battery after flying and only install it a few seconds before flying
Next, you just need
Download app
and install the app
Power up your ESP8266
Connect to the application
Now, carefully place your fingers on those two joysticks
Fly (result)
Ultimately as you can see this is a very simple flight controller.
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