FPGA simulates a vending machine source code[Copy link]
The product sold by the vending machine is worth 5 yuan, and you can only put in 1 yuan, 2 yuan, and 5 yuan. Therefore, multiple states are needed to represent the amount of money put in, until 5 yuan is put in to show the delivery state, and when it exceeds 5 yuan, change is required. The source code is as follows: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity state is port( clk,reset:in std_logic; input : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); sel : buffer std_logic_vector(0 to 2); --Chip select show : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); --Eight-bit seven-segment output:out std_logic_vector(0 to 1) ); end state; architecture behave of state is type s_m is (s0,s1,s2,s3,s5,s6); signal current_state,next_state:s_m; begin sel<="000"; process(reset,clk) begin if (clk'event and clk='1') then current_state<=next_state; if reset='1' then current_state<=s0; end if; end if; end process; process(current_state,input)
case current_state is
when s0=>output<="00";
show<="1111110"; --0
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
when s1=>output<="00";
show<="0110000"; --1
if input="00" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s3;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s6;
end if;
when s2=>output<="11";
show<="0110111"; --H
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
when s3=>output<="11";
show<="0110000"; --找1
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
when s5=>output<="11";
show<="0110000"; --找1
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
when s6=>output<="11";
show<="0110111"; --H
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
end case;
end process;
end behave;next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
when s5=>output<="11";
show<="0110000"; --找1
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
when s6=>output<="11";
show<="0110111"; --H
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
end case;
end process;
end behave;next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
when s5=>output<="11";
show<="0110000"; --找1
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;
when s6=>output<="11";
show<="0110111"; --H
if input="00" then next_state<=s0;
elsif input="01" then next_state<=s1;
elsif input="10" then next_state<=s2;
elsif input="11" then next_state<=s5;
end if;